Miles yesterday: 0
Miles today: 77 miles, to downtown San Diego and back by train
Miles to date: 5129
Where are we now? Oceanside, California, about thirty-five miles north of San Diego
Fun fact: If everybody had an ocean, across the USA. Then everybody’d be surfin’, like Californ–I–A. You’d see ‘em wearing their baggies. Huarachi sandals too. A bushy bushy blonde hairdo. Surfin’ USA.
The Last Few Day’s Events: Well, when we left you, we were in LA and the next day, by the time we had got up and driven back to the airport to drop off the car (not even on the freeways, but bad enough), we had decided that we were America-ed out, historied out, touristed out, and generally worn out. And, we were getting to feel that LA was an impossible city: it was probably over-extended when they started irrigating the desert for orange groves, long before they built trillions of houses and used fourteen times as much water irrigating the rich people’s gardens, and the freeway embankments (so the plants grow, and they aren’t washed away).
So, after dropping off the car, we got the hire company’s shuttle bus to the airport and, having been advised against our original intention of using the METRO tram system, we caught the Airport Flyer coach into downtown LA – Vikki saw the Hollywood sign in the distance – and were in time to catch the Amtrak ‘Surfliner’ train south. It took more than an hour and a half just to get out of LA, but then we went about half an hour further down the coast to our destination: the town of Oceanside (which we had picked on the basis that there were low priced motels within a couple of blocks of the beach). We popped down for an afternoon on the beach, which turned out to be ok, and so we have decided to stay put.
Still embarrassingly red today, we figured we couldn’t really go back to the beach yet, so we took a local train to the 'Old Town' in San Diego.
Our intention, then, is to spend our remaining couple of days here in Oceanside, tidying up our tans, eating cheap food, and drinking cheap beer, before heading down to San Diego airport on Sunday. Well, we reckon you haven't experienced America till you've hung out in a Southern Californian beach town for a few days!
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Cumberland Harbour
I like most everything, especially those wonderful classical busts.
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