Miles to date: 999 (!)
Where are we again? Wilmington, North Carolina
Fun fact: Few people realise that North Carolina is, in fact, located due south of South Carolina. The first map ever made of the USA contained numerous typographical errors, including a transposition of the ‘NC’ and ‘SC’ denotations for the two Carolinas; they have been confused for one another ever since.
The Day’s Events: After complementary breakfast in the Comfort Inn, Vikki drove 347 miles down I64E, I95S, and I40E, past Richmond and across the state line into North (query?) Carolina. We stopped twice, once for milkshakes, and once for gas, both in little roadside places in the middle of nowhere, where we might as well have been from Mars as from England.
We have holed up in the Econo-Lodge (!) just outside Wilmington. The good news is that a room in this Econo-Lodge is only $50, and it even has an outside swimming pool, which we used the moment we arrived before getting a taxi into ‘historic’ downtown Wilmington where we took the harbour walk alongside the Cape Fear river, past the steam boats and the tugs, before turning into the Pilot House restaurant and bar. This, we swear, is the restaurant where Joey was a waitress in Dawson’s Creek. She wasn’t there today (something about a welcome party for Posh and Becks in LA), but we did get served by a dead ringer for the character Jack. We picked the authentic southern dishes: shrimp with grits (Vikki) and catfish with collard greens (Malcolm) – possibly the best meals we’ve had in our lives.
Back in our room now, with a Coca Cola (Vikki) and a Mr Pibb (Malcolm). Planning to watch half an hour’s telly before going to sleep, getting up early tomorrow, and heading for those famous North (query??) Carolina beaches. Predicted temperature for tomorrow? 103 degrees!
Ted's Photo Blog
A picture of me, Ted, and me Ford Mustang Convertible. Nice, innit?